The blog that started it all! Check out reviews of every bus route and train station in Boston, as well as ongoing reviews of the regional bus systems in Massachusetts and Rhode Island.
Recent Posts from Miles on the MBTA
Savin Hill
I was surprised at how...not bad Savin Hill was. Seriously, every time I went by here (either making a stop when going to Ashmont or zipping by when on a Braintree train), I always thought "Geez, looks like a pit." I mainly thought this because the station is right...
26 (Ashmont Station – Norfolk and Morton Belt Line)
One of the most annoying things about taking buses from beginning to end is when you get kicked out at the last stop. This is especially annoying if the driver is really mad at you for just wanting to take the route to the end (cough, cough, the 8). But that problem...
18 (Ashmont Station – Andrew Station via Fields Corner Station)
I'm back! I'm sorry for not posting in about half a million years, but I've been quite busy. Also, I went to Bermuda over April vacation, and I rode a few new bus routes over there. I'll leave it to you guys if you want to see posts about those (here's one of them...
Ah, here we go! Let's review a good-looking station for once! Yes, Ashmont was renovated recently, and it looks amazing. Let's get right into it and wash out the brutalism from the last review. This platform is awesome! I really, really love Ashmont's platform. It's...
Community College
Man, North Point Park is really nice! I was coming from the Science Museum and decided to take a detour to the park, which is right across the street. It's pretty new, having been built in 2007, and it's a great park. From there, I went over the even more recent...
Tufts Medical Center
Last summer I had a job that required going to Chinatown once a week. I would always use Tufts Medical Center, since it was closer to where I was working (also, Chinatown Station is pretty awful). Being a jaded commuter then, I really didn't focus too much on the...
87 (Arlington Center or Clarendon Hill – Lechmere Station via Somerville Ave)
I originally had this grand plan to take all the Lechmere buses I haven't taken yet in one day. This plan fell flat because the 87 ran late. Come on, 87! Anyway, this route is a pretty straight run from Lechmere, up through Union Square and Davis Square, to...
101 (Malden Center Station – Sullivan Square Station via Salem Street, Main Street, and Broadway)
There are quite a few bus routes that go from Sullivan or Wellington up to Malden Center. They all more or less travel in crescents, in order to serve neighborhoods not served by the Orange Line. Most of these routes serve the eastern side of the tracks, while there...
92 (Sullivan Square Station – Downtown via Main Street and Haymarket Station)
The 93 cuts right through the heart of Charlestown, and it's a really nice ride that feels like you're going through a really old neighborhood (which it is). The 92 still has that feeling, but along its route, there are hints of trashiness here and there: a small...
245 (Quincy Center Station – Mattapan Station via Quincy Hospital and Pleasant Street)
This is a route I've been wanting to take for a while. It's not quite as elusive as the 217 (though I really want to take that one, too), but it does run weekdays only and not very often at that. It serves quite a few parts of southern Milton, and a large part of...
27 (Mattapan Station – Ashmont Station via River Street)
Geographically, the 27 runs very close to the Mattapan High Speed Line along its whole route. Looking at it on a map, I thought it seemed like the most useless bus route ever! But in actuality, it serves quite a lot. See, the Mattapan High Speed Line is separated from...
Back Bay (a very in-depth look)
I've been to Lechmere. I've been to Dudley. I've been to Prudential, for heaven's sake. Yet I was unprepared for Back Bay. This is the darkest, dirtiest, scariest, and overall dingiest MBTA station I've ever been to. Along with two of my friends, Jason and...
MBTA to Become More “Fun”
As we all know, the MBTA had a rough time this winter. From outdated infrastructure to old trains, the MBTA needs to improve its winter performance for next year. But there's a more pressing concern for Boston's subway system: it's not fun enough. "The MBTA had a...
Newton Centre
It's another "Center", except this one's spelled the British way! Yes, we're taking a trip on the D Line out to Newton Centre. I had actually come here once before when I was really little, back when there was a Starbucks right in the station building. That Starbucks...
Random Photos: Is There a Laundry Service?
I got on a pretty much empty train at Alewife, and sat down. Looking across from me, I noticed that someone had left a whole bunch of clothing under one of the seats! How the heck do you forget something like that? Geez, Louise...