The blog that started it all! Check out reviews of every bus route and train station in Boston, as well as ongoing reviews of the regional bus systems in Massachusetts and Rhode Island.

Recent Posts from Miles on the MBTA

Service Change: Bermuda, Part 1 – 1 (Hamilton – St. George via Tucker’s Point and The Caves), 10 (Hamilton – St. George via Palmetto Road and Aquarium), 11 (Hamilton – St. George via Blackwatch Pass and Aquarium), and the St. George Bus Depot

Service Change: Bermuda, Part 1 – 1 (Hamilton – St. George via Tucker’s Point and The Caves), 10 (Hamilton – St. George via Palmetto Road and Aquarium), 11 (Hamilton – St. George via Blackwatch Pass and Aquarium), and the St. George Bus Depot

My family has been going to Bermuda every year for the past 12 years. The fact that such a tropical setting exists just a two hour flight away from Boston is very enticing. We didn't go last year, instead opting for Orlando, so I was more than excited to get back to...

Boston Flummox

As I continue plowing away at a Bermuda Service Change post, here's a little game that came out today called Boston Flummox. It's very simple: you're given a scrambled station name, and your job is to unscramble it. The only clue at your disposal is what line it's on....

What’s Wrong With Google Chrome?

What’s Wrong With Google Chrome?

This is what happens when I try to create or edit a blog post in Google Chrome: I'm not sure why this is happening, but I had to download Firefox to be able to write. I could use Internet Explorer, know, it's Internet Explorer.

GUEST POST: Transit Tales: Red Line Rescue Mission

As I work on a monster Service Change post(s) about the Bermuda bus system, here's the blog's second guest post! This one's from a friend of mine, about a very unique experience on the Red Line... Hi, my name is Maggie and I have gone to school with Miles for 10...

Poll Update

For some reason the poll was messing with the blog, so I got rid of all of the text before it and it seems fine now. I guess I'll have to do separate result posts along with the polls. Here's the text before the poll, copied and pasted: In the last poll, exactly half...

170 (Central Square, Waltham – Dudley Square)

170 (Central Square, Waltham – Dudley Square)

Third time's the charm, as they say. That certainly held true for the 170: I tried twice to catch it, and failed both times. Finally, on my third attempt, I managed to catch it. "So why couldn't you have just waited for the next one?" you may ask. Well, that's the...

Random Photos: X-treme Bunching

Random Photos: X-treme Bunching

You may remember how in my 77 post, I talked about how the bus bunches...a lot. Well, I now have proof. I saw four 77's in a row on Mass Ave, and though one of them made it through the light before the others, I still got pictures of three of them.

Hynes Convention Center

Hynes Convention Center

I only went to Hynes Convention Center because of the stupid 1 getting stuck in traffic. I didn't know what to expect, but this station ended up being worse than horrible Prudential. The first warning sign was the entrance: there's only one of them, and it has no...