The blog that started it all! Check out reviews of every bus route and train station in Boston, as well as ongoing reviews of the regional bus systems in Massachusetts and Rhode Island.

Recent Posts from Miles on the MBTA

Random Photos: Yo, Yo, Yo

Random Photos: Yo, Yo, Yo

I was riding an old Red Line train, and I noticed that on one of the doorways, where it says "Watch your step," someone had rubbed off the U and the R so it said "Watch yo step." I really wanted to take a picture, but I didn't have my camera with me. Luckily, the...



I've always considered the Blue Line to be the most modern of the four - the newest trains and the newest stations (especially with the recent reopening of Orient Heights). Maverick is no different; receiving a major rehab in 2009, it's the first stop after going...

Random Photos: A Visit to WardMaps

Random Photos: A Visit to WardMaps

I payed a visit to WardMaps today, and saw that there was a shirt signed by Adham and I on the wall (click here if you have no idea what I'm talking about)! Of course I took a picture, so here it is: Yeah, it's not that great of a picture, but it does the job.

Random Photos: My First Panorama

Random Photos: My First Panorama

I just discovered today that our camera has a panorama feature! I decided to try it out on a Red Line car, and here's the result. I think it looks really cool, if I do say so myself. As always click on it to make it larger. That should make it easier to see.

Random Photos: A Foggy View

Random Photos: A Foggy View

I was on the Red Line going between Kendall and Charles (one of the best views on the system, in my opinion). It was a very foggy day, and the skyline looked absolutely beautiful. The river was frozen as just looked great. The picture doesn't really capture...

Reading (100th Post!)

Reading (100th Post!)

"Miles, you don't review Commuter Rail stations!" Well, I don't usually, however I happened to be at Reading Station and I figured I'd write a review for it. And how did I end up in Reading? As usual, I had taken a bus for fun - the 137. I was going to just take the...

Don’t Expect a Post For a While

I was nearly done with part one of my Florida post - suddenly, Blogger glitched. I pressed SAVE and SAVED it, and then reloaded the page. When it loaded up, I had LOST EVERYTHING I WAS WORKING ON FOR THE WHOLE DAY. Don't expect a post for a while.


I'm back from Florida, but I'm late with my post as usual. I'm not making any promises for dates, as Service Changes take a while to write. Yes - I ended up taking a lot of transit in Florida, and a lot more than I expected. Look forward to that in the coming days, at...

I Won’t Be Posting For a Few Days

Yes, yes, I know I haven't done a post in a few days, anyway. Nonetheless, I'm going to Florida and will be there until Sunday. Unfortunately, I'm not sure if I'll be able to take a bus in Delray Beach, but we'll see. Don't expect a post until probably Tuesday, anyway.