The blog that started it all! Check out reviews of every bus route and train station in Boston, as well as ongoing reviews of the regional bus systems in Massachusetts and Rhode Island.
Recent Posts from Miles on the MBTA
Service Change: NYC, Part 1 – The Go Bus
Yes, I know I promised the new "Diary of a Bus Adventurer" post and a plethora of bus reviews, but I happened to be in New York for the past two days. I ended up taking quite a bit of transportation there, though, and I have a few Service Change posts in the works....
104 (Malden Center Station – Sullivan Square Station via Ferry Street and Broadway)
The surprisingly high number of routes going between Malden Center and Wellington/Sullivan have never struck me as being particularly noteworthy. Some of them are unique: the 105 with its crazy Newland Street Housing route or the 97 for its Gateway Center detour. But...
105 (Malden Center Station – Sullivan Square Station via Newland Street Housing)
Let me be clear right from the start: never take this bus from beginning to end. No one in their right mind would use this bus (which takes about a half hour in total) to get from Malden Center to Sullivan when the train can do it in a few minutes. So basically, don't...
132 (Redstone Shopping Center – Malden Center Station)
"Redstone Shopping Center - that sounds really cool!" was my first thought when I boarded the bus. Is it as cool as it sounds? Find out as we take a trip through the heart of Stoneham on the 132... The first thing to note is that the 132 leaves from the much smaller...
Random Photos: Nice View?
There's a pretty nice view of the Boston skyline from Sullivan Square. The only problem is the foreground: a dingy parking lot, a factory, and a bunch of random poles. Oh, well. Ugh.
Random Photos: Is Community College Structurally Sound?
Currently there's just one platform at Community College. But it looks like there used to be a second one, and I think I know why they got rid of it: What does this say about the rest of the station?
Random Photos: Old Commuter Rail Trains
I caught a glimpse of two old Commuter Rail trains on the Orange Line between Community College and Sullivan Square. I took a bad picture, but if you want a closer look watch this video. There's even more graffiti inside.
Random Photos: Orange Line Driver’s Cabin
I was riding the Orange Line, and I noticed I could see into the driver's cabin. This was the middle of the train, so no one was in it. The interesting thing is that after playing London Underground Simulator, I actually know how to drive a subway train. If there's...
Random Photos: Blue Man Group Red Line Train
It didn't have a painted inside like the Emirates Air train, but this Blue Man Group car was still pretty cool. Think of how trippy the inside would be if they painted it...
Random Photos: Transportation Exhibit at the Smithsonian Museum of American History
When we went to the Smithsonian Museum of American History, I just had to drag my friends to the transportation exhibit. It was fantastic, and I took a few (bad) pictures. Here they are: An old streetcar. The front of a bus, but not the rest. A replica of a...
Service Change: Wilson Coach Bus and Glimpses of the D.C. Metro
As expected, we didn't take the Metro on my school trip to Washington D.C. And I don't really have much to say about the coach bus, since it was practically the same one as the one on the UMASS shuttle. Other than that, there's really not much to say about the 11...
SL4 (Dudley Station – South Station at Essex Street via Washington St)
This is the last Silver Line route to be reviewed on this blog! Huzzah! That said, the SL4 follows almost the exact same route as the SL5, and was only created to provide a connection from Dudley to the SL1 and SL2. But actually, it ended up being more useful than it...
I always thought Reading would be a one-off, but here we are with another Commuter Rail station. Waltham is a Zone 2 station on the Fitchburg Line, fairly close to Boston. It's a pretty major bus hub, which is how I got here in the first place. The area where you...
This post was written back when this station was called Dudley, but I've changed the title to make it more easily searchable from the blog. In Greek mythology, the Labyrinth was built to hold the Minotaur, a half man, half bull creature. The Labyrinth was so...
Service Change: Bermuda, Part 3 – The Sea Express and the Bermuda Railway Trail
This is the final post on Bermuda, then we'll head back to Boston. If you're wondering about why posts have been so infrequent, it's because I have an algebra final coming up and have been working hard for that. In two weeks there should be more frequent posts. Also,...