The blog that started it all! Check out reviews of every bus route and train station in Boston, as well as ongoing reviews of the regional bus systems in Massachusetts and Rhode Island.

Recent Posts from Miles on the MBTA



I had to use Kendall to get to a job in late summer. I guess that technically makes this post "out of date," but I can assure you that there haven't been any astronomical changes here in the past three months. Just take my word for it. Let's start with the entrances,...



Okay, this station is absolutely beautiful. I think this is probably the flashiest, most modern, and - dare I say it - best looking station on the MBTA. Too bad it's the second worst station on the system in terms of ridership. But for now, let's forget about that and...

Belmont Center

Belmont Center

You gotta love the architectural style of Belmont Center. According to good ol' Wikipedia, it's called "American Craftsman," which was popular from the late 1800s to the 1930s. Yes, this building is pretty darn old. The building itself is now used by the Belmont Lions...

Service Change: NYC, Part 4 – Jamaica Station

Service Change: NYC, Part 4 – Jamaica Station

This was such a cool station that I decided to dedicate an entire post to it! Jamaica is the hub of the Long Island Railroad, has a connection with the Airtrain to JFK Airport, and has a subway station (with the overly long name of Sutphin Boulevard - Archer Ave - JFK...

Service Change: NYC, Part 3 – The 7 (Flushing Local)

Service Change: NYC, Part 3 – The 7 (Flushing Local)

When Googling which New York subway line is the most scenic, I ended up on some forum. Everyone said to ride either the 7 to Flushing or the F/G to Smith/9 Streets, and we decided to do the 7 (though we did Smith/9 Streets on my more recent trip to New York - post on...

Service Change: NYC, Part 2 – The E, S, 4, and 6

Service Change: NYC, Part 2 – The E, S, 4, and 6

We took some interesting elevated lines on our trip to New York, but we also took a lot of underground lines. This is a post that covers all of the trips we made in the boring subterranean world. Coming into Penn Station from Amtrak, we did the exact same E to 6 trip...

Random Photos: Portal of Power

Random Photos: Portal of Power

I figured I'd get one more post out before going to New York this weekend - again. I haven't even written about my subway rides from the last trip, and we plan to take some more on this one. As you can see, I'm really on top of things. But anyway, this was taken from...