The blog that started it all! Check out reviews of every bus route and train station in Boston, as well as ongoing reviews of the regional bus systems in Massachusetts and Rhode Island.
Recent Posts from Miles on the MBTA
Oh yeahhhhh...this station exists! Ever since my insanely excited post from when Assembly first opened, this place has just disappeared from my mindset. I dunno...I don't find Assembly Row particularly interesting, and the station never gets as many riders as the...
Sam’s Operational Oculi- Lynn Garage
Miles’s teachers aren’t being too nice as of late, giving him tons of homework and eating away his time to write on here. So you might be stuck with me for a little while…. Anyways, today we’re going to talk about Lynn Garage, the MBTA’s operational hub for all routes...
Miles on the Internet:
Here's something I've realized during my explorations of RTAs: transit websites are often terrible and I love to rant about them. Then I realized that instead of ranting to friends, why not rant about them on the blog? Welcome to Miles on the Internet, where we'll be...
Bloom Bus Lines (Taunton, Raynham, Easton, and West Bridgewater – Boston)
Ooooh, now this is a very interesting one indeed! I had no idea this service even existed until my friend Sam and I took a trip down to Taunton and discovered its schedule hanging on the wall! Well, we had to give it a ride, didn't we? The bus coming into...
MBTA Excuse Generator
I'm sorry for not being able to post much - work coming into the first week of school has been tough. Here's a fun little website I found, though, called MBTA Excuse Generator. Many of you have probably already heard of it as it's been circling around the internet,...
GATRA: 8 (East Taunton/Raynham Walmart)
*TRUMPET BLASTS* WELCOME...TO THE BUSIEST ROUTE ON THE GATRA! BOW BEFORE ITS GREATNESS! GAZE IN AWE UPON ITS MANY DEVIATIONS! I INTRODUCE TO YOU...THE 8! The bus at Walmart. What's more, the bus it was using was a shiny new New Flyer MiDi, which was great to see! On...
GATRA: 7 (School Street/Raynham)
The 7 is a bit odd for GATRA. For one thing, it has a completely different map style from any other GATRA route. Also, it leaves Taunton at different times than most other routes from there. And finally, it's really good about not making deviations! Well, we're off to...
Sam’s Operational Oculi: Quincy Garage
Today’s post takes us to the Quincy Garage, located (here’s a shocker) in Quincy, MA. Quincy Garage is the operational center of all of the “200 series” routes, which for the most part congregate around the Quincy Center Station. Routes leave in all directions from...
Sam’s Operational Oculi: The MBTA’s 10 garages
“Oculi” means “Eye” in Latin. Don’t worry, I had no idea what that meant either. You can thank Miles for the name. I’m Sam Hegg, a lifelong supporter of public transportation. I’ve grown up in the Boston Area my whole life, and was exposed to the MBTA from a very...
This guest post by Adam Parise takes us onboard the CapeFLYER to Hyannis. Good job, Adam! I never thought I'd be reviewing something I only rode twice ever but here I am reviewing this wonderful passenger rail service. The CapeFlyer is a must ride for all railfans...
GATRA: Bloom Bus Terminal
Welcome to your GATRA gateway to Taunton: the Bloom Bus Terminal! This amazing hub offers you everything from...uh... This amazing hub offers you quite a few things, THIS PLACE IS AWFUL AND I'M HERE TO TELL YOU ABOUT IT. LET'S GET GOING. The glorious...
GATRA: 18 (Attleboro/Norton/Taunton)
Look who's baaaaaaaaack! I'm sorry, guys, I just couldn't resist a ride on the good ol' GATRA! Today we're looking at a crucial route on their system, one that connects its two biggest bus hubs, serving a busy college in the middle: the 18. Now, with such a big...
106 (Lebanon Street, Malden – Wellington Station via Main Street)
The 106...what can be said about the 106? Well, it's a strange route that works in mysterious ways. It also has many variations - the one we'll be talking about today is the longest, the Franklin Square version that only runs weekday middays. Okay, that's all I have...
134 (North Woburn – Wellington Station via Woburn Square, Winchester Center, Winthrop Street, Medford Square, Riverside Ave, and Meadow Glen Mall)
What the heck is this post title? Why the heck is it so long? Why did the MBTA feel the need to list so many different midpoints on this beast of a route? Yes, sit back, ladies and gentlemen, because we've got a long one today: the 134. The bus at Wellington. Leaving...
114 (Bellingham Square – Maverick Station)
The last time I tried to ride the 114 was during the Blizzard of 2015. I waited there at Maverick in the snow for about an hour, but all that came by were 116/117s and 120s. Eventually, I gave up and headed onto the Blue Line. Presumably, the MBTA had used the bus...