by Miles Taylor | Dec 29, 2017 | Miles on the MBTA
Here’s another route serving Brockton’s northeast suburban residential neighborhoods. Like the 10, the 11 gets low ridership and a slightly more limited schedule, except the 11 is really weird and loopy! Let’s take a look. Getting on at the BAT...
by Miles Taylor | Dec 28, 2017 | Miles on the MBTA
Did you know that there’s a suburban section of Brockton? A part of Brockton that’s just houses on quiet roads and that’s it? Neither did I, but we’ll see what it’s like from the 10. The bus coming towards the Montello stop. The area...
by Miles Taylor | Dec 28, 2017 | Miles on the MBTA
It’s interesting just how close this route comes to MBTA bus territory. The 1 ends only about a mile away from the southern terminus of the 238 and the 240! Does that mean the route itself is interesting? Nah. The bus entering the BAT Centre. We headed down...
by Miles Taylor | Dec 28, 2017 | Miles on the MBTA
Just as a disclaimer: no, I was not able to ride one of BAT’s fancy new buses. And that’s a real shame, because it’ll make these reviews that much more boring. Lo and behold, the 6! The bus at the BAT Centre. From the Bat Centre, we headed down...
by Miles Taylor | Mar 24, 2016 | Miles on the MBTA
It’s strange to think of a non-MBTA route being able to enter MBTA bus territory and serve a subway station, no less! And yet, here we are with the BAT’s 12 bus. Running all the way from Brockton to Ashmont, this is both the BAT’s longest route...