by Miles Taylor | May 1, 2018 | Miles on the MBTA
Heyyyy, why does the WRTA website URL still reference the former 34? That’s no good! That was a Sunday-only variant of the 24/24A, but luckily it’s been eliminated, so we only have to deal with the 24 now. …or, in this case, the 24A! We began at the...
by Miles Taylor | Apr 30, 2018 | Miles on the MBTA
WRTA has an annoying policy where passengers can’t “ride around” at the end of a route. This makes doing isolated routes like the 5 tough. Sam and I’s solution was to get off a little bit before the end and just wait on the other side of the...
by Miles Taylor | Apr 29, 2018 | Miles on the MBTA
RTAs often end their routes at malls, but Showcase Cinemas is a new one! Unfortunately, Sam and I weren’t able to catch the 14 from its true start point, so we began at its second stop, the Porter and Chester Institute. On weekdays, buses deviate directly into...
by Miles Taylor | Apr 26, 2018 | Miles on the MBTA
We’re going to the West Boylston Walmart on the 30. Fun stuff. Nice wrap! We headed out onto Foster Street from the Central Hub, then we turned onto Major Taylor Boulevard. There were lots of office buildings with parking lots along here, and they continued as...
by Miles Taylor | Apr 25, 2018 | Miles on the MBTA
Of all the guest posts I would’ve thought to receive, the GATRA South Bellingham Commuter Shuttle was very low on that list! Let’s see what Jules has to say about this rare commuter route, run by everyone’s favorite RTA, GATRA! This is the ugly...