M2 (Cambridge – HMS)

M2 (Cambridge – HMS)

For anyone who rides the M2 regularly, it’s incredibly easy to board. For anyone who doesn’t…well, that’s problematic. The M2 is a Longwood Medical Area shuttle that runs from Harvard to the LMA, and its fare system makes absolutely no sense....


We had five minutes until the scheduled arrival of the 4:27 train. I was taking pictures of Andover Station, while Jordan was across the street getting a drink at a convenience store. Suddenly, I heard that familiar bell – the train was coming early! What should...
MVRTA: 32 (Andover)

MVRTA: 32 (Andover)

For our final MVRTA trip for now, we’re gonna head south of the “River Merrimack” into South Lawrence and Andover! We’ll see dense areas! We’ll see sparsely-populated areas! We shall delay no longer, for here is the 32! The bus at the...
MWRTA: 5 (Ashland/Hopkinton)

MWRTA: 5 (Ashland/Hopkinton)

Hoo boy, these MetroWest towns are starting to get to me. A few reviews ago, I covered a route that went to Holliston…now here’s one that goes to HOPKINTON? They sound so similar! So here’s the 5, a bus that goes to Hollis-wait, Hopkinton. My bad!...