The blog that started it all! Check out reviews of every bus route and train station in Boston, as well as ongoing reviews of the regional bus systems in Massachusetts and Rhode Island.

Recent Posts from Miles on the MBTA

SL1 (Logan Airport – South Station via Waterfront)

SL1 (Logan Airport – South Station via Waterfront)

For a while, the only way you could get to the airport was the Blue Line to Airport Station, where you have to take a shuttle bus to actually get to the airport. Fairly recently, we got an alternative, the Silver Line SL1. Although it's far from perfect, it's...



I've seen Wellington many times by car: Route 16 goes on a bridge over the station. I know that it has a train yard in it. And yet, I had never explored the station before writing this review. In fact, I've only traveled on the northern arm on the Orange...

Transit Tales: The Only Time I Hate Riding Buses

Transit Tales: The Only Time I Hate Riding Buses

If only I had read my own blog post. If I had, I would've realized that there were Red Line shuttle buses between Alewife and Harvard. Boy, you should've heard the curses when my father and I came to the Alewife station entrance only to see a sign that said the...



Bowdoin is the last MBTA station I had to visit. I had gone through them all (except the "stations" on a section of the Silver Line, but that doesn't count), but I never really got the chance to go to Bowdoin (or boy-doin as I used to pronounce it for some reason). It...

439 (Bass Point, Nahant – Central Square, Lynn)

439 (Bass Point, Nahant – Central Square, Lynn)

YOU HAVE TO TAKE THIS BUS BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE!!! The MBTA is bound to get rid of the 439. It used to run six times a day in each direction, but the MBTA shaved off a trip recently, so it's only five now. It costs the MBTA $9.76 per passenger to operate (according to...

I Found Alewife Cows!

I Found Alewife Cows!

I've known for a while that there's a painting of cows at Alewife. However, it wasn't until I rode a Red Line shuttle bus that I finally spotted it. It's at the far end of the sheltered area of the busway. I snapped a picture of the painting, and here it is: Sort of a...

MBTA Map Contest!

MBTA Map Contest!

If you read my Science Park post, I talked about how the signage in that station (and on the Green Line as a whole) could really be improved. Of the four branches of the Green Line, the B and D branches terminate at Government Center, the C at North Station, and the E...

Science Park/West End

Science Park/West End

It took some self-persuasion to go to Science Park (not always referred to as "West End"). After spending some time at the Museum of Science, I wanted to walk to Lechmere to experience the great Green Line ride. However, if I did that, I wouldn't have a new station to...

Deval Patrick vs Legislature

If you haven't been following the news, Deval Patrick made a plan in January to create large improvements to the MBTA, as well as to roads and bridges around the state. This would include Commuter Rail service to Hyannis, funding for the Green Line extension to West...