by Miles Taylor | Apr 24, 2018 | Miles on the MBTA
It’s time for the 23’s cousin route, the 26! We’ll be covering a lot of familiar territory in this review, but we start off at a unique section: Great Brook Valley. The bus at Great Brook Valley. The route technically starts at the Great Brook Valley...
by Miles Taylor | Apr 22, 2018 | Miles on the MBTA
I sprinted out of my house at 4:17 AM. I arrived at the empty main street…no cars going in either direction. Well, Sam said to wait at an inbound bus stop, so I headed over to the closest one. No cars coming. *BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP*!!!!! A vehicle...
by Miles Taylor | Apr 20, 2018 | Miles on the MBTA
There’s a 23 leaving from the Hub in 9 minutes? Alright, let’s do the 23. Excellent. We headed up Foster Street, then we turned onto Major Taylor Boulevard. This was a wide road that passed a lot of office buildings with big parking lots, as well as the...
by Miles Taylor | Apr 17, 2018 | Miles on the MBTA
So…a four-minute bus ride from Wyoming Hill to Oak Grove is the difference between spending $6.25 to get into Boston and spending $2.25 to get into Boston. Uhhh…well, if you really want to take Option 1, you’ll be using Wyoming Hill. Yup, it’s...
by Miles Taylor | Apr 14, 2018 | Miles on the MBTA
Okay, this station definitely used to be called “Melrose/Cedar Park,” with a slash. I guess we’re not doing that anymore? Alright. Fine. Let’s look at Melrose Cedar Park. One sign says “Melrose-Cedar Park” and the other...