by Miles Taylor | Jan 18, 2014 | Miles on the MBTA
I can’t believe it’s been a year. I remember starting out the blog and no one knew it existed. Slowly it increased in popularity, and it started showing up on random Google searches. I would always be proud when I did some random search about the MBTA and...
by Miles Taylor | Jan 16, 2014 | Miles on the MBTA
Who knew? One of the cons in my Maverick post was that the station seemingly only had one entrance. That’s what it seems like, anyway – when you’re at a train station, you naturally gravitate towards the area with a bunch of fare gates that everyone...
by Miles Taylor | Jan 11, 2014 | Miles on the MBTA
As you have probably noticed, I haven’t been posting as much as I was in the last few days. Basically, school started up again and I’ve been busy and not able to post as often as I was able to over vacation. So yes, I will be going back to my...
by Miles Taylor | Dec 22, 2013 | Miles on the MBTA
I was nearly done with part one of my Florida post – suddenly, Blogger glitched. I pressed SAVE and SAVED it, and then reloaded the page. When it loaded up, I had LOST EVERYTHING I WAS WORKING ON FOR THE WHOLE DAY. Don’t expect a post for a while.
by Miles Taylor | Dec 19, 2013 | Miles on the MBTA
I’m back from Florida, but I’m late with my post as usual. I’m not making any promises for dates, as Service Changes take a while to write. Yes – I ended up taking a lot of transit in Florida, and a lot more than I expected. Look forward to...