The blog that started it all! Check out reviews of every bus route and train station in Boston, as well as ongoing reviews of the regional bus systems in Massachusetts and Rhode Island.
Recent Posts from Miles on the MBTA
SRTA: New Bedford Terminal
Boy, that Fall River Terminal sure was nice, huh? Yeah. What a great terminal that was. Well, anyway, it's time to look at their other terminal. It's a lot worse. Yup, modern this terminal ain't. There are uncomfortable wooden benches that meander through the middle...
SRTA: NB 9 (New Bedford/Fall River)
Question 1: why is this considered a New Bedford route when it connects both Fall River and New Bedford? Question 2: why does it have to be called the 9 when there's also a Fall River 9 that boards from the Fall River terminal but does something completely different?...
SRTA: Fall River Terminal
This terminal is pretty brand-spanking new, having been built in 2013. But...does new mean good in this case? Spoilers: yes. The main waiting area is bright, shiny, and spacious. We've got benches galore, schedules galore, and...just one ticket machine. Well, we can't...
SRTA: FR 1 (South Main) did Sam and I end up getting from Tiverton on the 61x back to Boston? Why, we took the SRTA, of course! Yes, we had to walk about an hour to get from the Fish Road Park and Ride to the terminus of the 1, but it was a surprisingly nice walk, and now, here we...
RIPTA: 61x (Tiverton/East Bay Park and Ride)
The 61x takes everything you would expect from a decent express bus...and throws it out the window. You'll see what I mean, but when an "express" bus is only 5% express, you know there's probably something wrong. Sam and I boarded at the Rhode Island Convention...
VIDEO: Nathan’s Tour of the Beautiful Montachusett Area
Hi! Welcome to the new website! This is a work in progress, so feel free to give me feedback in the comments. But enough talking, here's that video I promised. It was filmed a while ago, but I only recently got around to editing it. Enjoy!
RIPTA: 58 (Mineral Spring/North Providence)
We previously reviewed one of RIPTA's only crosstown routes. The 29 was a pure crosstown, darting in and out to serve as many places as possible while cutting across practically every southern RIPTA route. Now, this one is a little different. The 58 is trying to be a...
Join us for the MBTA Jamboree!
Many of you ride the T almost every single day. But you've never ridden it like this before. On Saturday, August 18th, we will be embarking on a huge tour of the entire system, and YOU can join us! Here's the rundown: everyone will be split into teams, and we will all...
RIPTA: 29 (Cowesett/Kent County)
Okay, so we have this bus system, see? It's pretty good for getting into Providence, see? But what if you wanna get across to somewhere other than Providence? Let's just create a route that runs across the entire system in the south! It'll be a beast....
RIPTA: 242 (West Warwick/Coventry Flex)
Gosh, it's too bad the 13 and the 29 end so far apart from each other. Seems like the only way to take each of them from beginning to end is to ride out and back. Hang on...what's this? A Flex bus in West Warwick and Coventry? And it connects the two routes together?...
RIPTA: 13 (Coventry/Arctic/Warwick Mall)
For RIPTA standards, the 13 is about as far out as you can get on a local bus. In fact, this route goes so far out that it doesn't even go to Providence! That's right, we had to get this thing from the Warwick Mall. Boy, I sure do love that bus stop in the middle...
MVRTA: 41 (Lawrence – Lowell)
Isn't it sad how the only bus that runs in Lowell on Sundays isn't even run by the Lowell bus system? Yes, today we're checking out the MVRTA 41, doing its multi-jurisdictional trip from Lawrence to its milltown cousin to the west! Tight quarters here at Buckley. Of...
MVRTA: 75 (Lawrence Special Employment Service)
It's time for Part 2 of our duo of weird commuter shuttles! Now we're doing the MVRTA 75, which will take us from the scary land known as Raytheon to the Buckley Transportation Center, another scary land. Well, at least it's civilization. Obviously I wasn't about to...
The Great Race to Chelsea: The Video!
The Chelsea video is finally here! The T added a new branch of the Silver Line to Chelsea in April 2018, the SL3. How does the new route stack up time wise against the other ways of getting to Chelsea? Miles, Jordan, Nathan, and a host of other characters race to...
LRTA: 11 (IRS/Raytheon via Route 133)
Today, we're entering the strange world of IRS/Raytheon commuter shuttles. LRTA runs one, and MVRTA runs one (they just eliminated a second one). The LRTA route, the 11, is bidirectional, so we'll be taking a look at this one first as we head towards Raytheon in...