by Miles Taylor | Sep 1, 2019 | Miles on the MBTA
I was with my friend on the Red Line leaving Ashmont. “I have to use the bathroom,” they said. And I…had no idea where any bathrooms were. I knew there was one at South Station, but were there any before that? “If only someone had made a map...
by Miles Taylor | Aug 31, 2019 | Miles on SEPTA
Oh come on, SEPTA, stop teasing us! “201 S. Bailey Road, Coatesville, PA, 19320”? There’s a lot of ambiguity about which borough or township or whatever Thorndale Station is in, but it sure as heck isn’t Coatesville…even though the...
by Miles Taylor | Aug 30, 2019 | Miles on SEPTA
Consider this my SEPTA service change guide. Literally the only non-seasonal change they seem to be making is the elimination of the 205, and the rerouting of the 204 and 206 to compensate. Thus, I figured why not ride the very last trip on this completely...
by Miles Taylor | Aug 29, 2019 | Miles on the MBTA
Time to tackle the Massachusetts RTAs! Not every system is incorporating changes, and not all of those changes are groundbreaking, but there’s some cool stuff in here. If you’re short on time, head down to RIPTA, which is doing the coolest thing....
by Miles Taylor | Aug 28, 2019 | Miles on the MBTA
Better Bus is here, my friends, and I am so excited to have a generally positive service change post for once! Even aside from the changes branded as “Better Bus,” there are a number of others that are great as well. It’s not like we don’t have...