Pomona – Least Used Amtrak Station in California

Hey, this is only the SECOND stupidest roomette trip I’ve ever done.

Recommended DJ Petesake viewing:
His review of the station
How he made the bike water fountain
A ride with the Mobbin’ Mondays bike group
(and here is Mobbin’ Mondays’s Instagram if you’re in the area and want to take a ride with them)

Subscribe to Geoff Marshall – he’s the inspiration for this project!
Spreadsheet of all the stations

Ottawa’s BRAND-NEW Lines 2 and 4 – First Trip and Station Reviews!

After shutting down in mid-2020, Ottawa’s Line 2 has reopened with new trains and double its original length, along with a new Line 4 to the airport! I set out on the first day of service to ride the new lines and far-too-thoroughly review every station.

Some channels from the group you should check out:
yukaira: https://www.youtube.com/@yukaira
theryrover360: https://www.youtube.com/@theryrover360

Amtrak Pennsylvanian from Pittsburgh to NYC – Apparently a Trip Report

Get the foamer meters out for the Horseshoe Curve, baby!

On a more serious note, this video is dedicated to Aleena’s grandpa, James Lindsay, who passed away on October 2nd, 2024. He watched this channel regularly and always wanted to take the Pennsylvanian, especially around Horseshoe Curve; he cared deeply about accessibility and was always excited that this was a route he *could* take, even though he was in a wheelchair. Please consider a donation to the Multiple Sclerosis Association of America in his memory: https://mymsaa.org/