I was at TransportationCamp Philly last week, and it was a blast. If you haven’t been to one of these “unconferences” before, I strongly recommend it – it’s a great way to meet other people interested in transportation and talk about some fascinating things. Here’s their website if you’re interested. In particular, TransportationCamp New England will be on April 27th at MIT.
Unfortunately, I won’t be able to make it. Why, you ask? Well, it’s a matter of inclusion – I was talking to some people who were upset by the fact that New England gets lumped into only one TranspoCamp. Thus, after some back and forth with various parties and sponsors, I am pleased to announce TransportationCamp Greater Attleboro-Taunton!
This event will take place on April 27th, the same day as TCNE. We have some amazing sponsors, including:
- Downtown Attleboro Division:
- The Attleboro DMV
- GATRA (of course)
- Norton Senior Center
- Emerald Square Mall Division:
- Seekonk Stop & Shop
- That bowling alley that just opened up where all the kids are going
- Plainville Council on Aging
- North Attleboro Industrial Park Division:
- The Cumberland Farms in Mansfield
- Linda Reeves, resident of Norton
- Taunton Nursing Home
TCGAT will take place at the Middleborough Council on Aging, which is easily accessible using GATRA’s Middleborough-Taunton Connection route. GATRA has agreed to run a special Saturday service on the normally three-days-a-week bus, but remember that you still must call at least 24 hours in advance in order to secure a ride! Buses will run at very high frequencies, with service at 11 AM, 1 PM, and 3 PM.
Now, the idea of TransportationCamp is that anyone can propose a session about anything related to the field of transportation. We have already gotten some very exciting ideas, including:
- Capacity and Intimacy: Truck Minibuses, the Best of Both Worlds
- Multimodal Connections to the Providence, er, Franklin Line in Norfolk
- Redesigning GATRA’s Route Network: Why More Deviations are Needed
- And many more!
The event will begin tardily sometime around 11:30. There will be one three-hour session, and the event will be over at 2:30. However, stick around afterward for the Early Bird Special at the Middleborough Dairy Queen, where the fun will continue over inexpensive food!
Tickets will cost $20 ($0.50 for seniors) and will be available for purchase by sending a letter to GATRA’s headquarters in Taunton with a self-addressed and stamped envelope, along with a check made out to “TCGAT”. They go on sale today, April 1st, which is definitely not a suspicious day for these tickets to go on sale. Hope to see you all there!

So I guess this means you WILL go to Transportation Camp NE?
And have a session about GATRA?
Unfortunately, the part about me not going IS actually true – I can’t afford another trek up there to visit 🙁
Oh. We’ll miss you! Also, how much time did you spend on the drawing to make it just perfect?
Errrr…about two minutes…
The fact that I actually believed this at first… And then saw the date…