I Did It…I Rode in the Robo-Taxi.

I guess the future is now...? https://youtu.be/owssHW-FMUo

VIA Rail from Sarnia to Toronto – Apparently a Trip Report

One rip-off of a cab ride later... https://youtu.be/XzckfU54iQE

Amtrak Blue Water from Chicago to Port Huron – Apparently a Trip Report

Admit it: you're here for the hotel review. https://youtu.be/NhHFlogrusM

(we tried to be the) Fastest NYC Ferry Riders Alive

Oh my God, I can't believe how much this fell apart. https://youtu.be/U_CPEUA-Yo4

Pomona – Least Used Amtrak Station in California

Hey, this is only the SECOND stupidest roomette trip I've ever done. Recommended DJ Petesake viewing: His review of the stationHow he made the bike water fountainA ride with the Mobbin' Mondays bike group (and here is Mobbin' Mondays's Instagram if you're in the area...

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