

I was touring Temple University in 2016, and the guide was telling us about transportation access. “Every Regional Rail line stops at Temple, so it’s really convenient,” he said. And I didn’t know much about SEPTA then, but I did know one...
FRTA: 32 (Orange/Greenfield)

FRTA: 32 (Orange/Greenfield)

Our FRTA saga begins! For those who don’t know, the FRTA covers Franklin County, the least dense county in Massachusetts, with a hub in Greenfield. It is a very rural system, and that makes it a really interesting one to review. We begin with its route that runs...


I noticed that Secane had a ribbon-cutting ceremony for the completion of its overhaul, but for some reason it didn’t click with me that I should probably go and check out the new station. An anonymous person in the comments suggested I check it out:...