CCRTA: Boston Hospital

CCRTA: Boston Hospital

So…funny story, I actually have ridden a big chunk of the CCRTA. But, er, all the pictures are on my other computer. Which is back at school. So for now, we’ll have to cover the one CCRTA route for which I have photos, and this one is…well,...
Goodbye, Lechmere

Goodbye, Lechmere

Over seven years ago, I opened up my Lechmere review by saying that it was a station on its last legs. Seven years later, those legs have finally crumbled: yesterday was the 98-year-old terminal’s last hurrah, with the station now in the process of getting...
64 (50th-Parkside to Pier 70)

64 (50th-Parkside to Pier 70)

Some routes make a ton of sense as crosstowns. Take the 15: it runs straight across Girard and operates frequently all day every day to really maximize its usefulness. SEPTA has lots of routes like that. But then…there’s the odd, odd case of the 64....
GATRA: Bellingham South Shuttle

GATRA: Bellingham South Shuttle

Well, we’ve covered the North Shuttle, now it’s time to head south! The Dial-A-Ride vehicle returns. While the North Shuttle acts as a park-and-ride route for northern Bellingham, the South Shuttle has ulterior motives: it runs from Forge Park to almost...