An Uncut Ride Around the Chicago Loop
Jackson and I were on an Amtrak layover in Chicago and neither of us had ever ridden around the Loop before, so we set up a channel meetup for folks to join us! It turns out some very cool and knowledgeable people watch Miles in Transit – enjoy the tour of downtown Chicago!
I Took The Stupidest Amtrak Route From NYC to Boston
The stupidest that could be booked on one ticket, anyway.
Amtrak’s New Siemens Venture Coaches: Apparently a Trip Report
I’m a couple months late on this, but oh well! (and to think I literally rode this a couple months ago, too)
I Rode EVERY Metro Line in Barcelona
Prepare for a whirlwind of transit modes, track gauges, and transportation operators! Also dots…because somehow I can never escape them.
You Can Ride Buses From NYC to Connecticut For Free
Ol’ Ned strikes again! Let’s just keep the dots to a minimum next time, okay?
Amtrak Acela First Class: Apparently a Trip Report
They REALLY want you to believe this is a $150 product. Cost comparison chart:
The Street So Steep It Needs Its Own Escalator
Apologies for this rambly unedited affair about a cool escalator in San Sebastián/Donostia, Spain. Better video next week!
The Diner Video (Part 3: The Modern Years)
It’s all those big Philly family restaurants that happen to have been built in a factory!
The Diner Video (Part 2: The Classic Years)
Some of Philly’s most classic diners, and some deep cuts too! Also featuring Miles’s bizarre taste in food.
The Diner Video (Part 1: The Early Years)
All of Philly’s most historic diners, even the ones with horrible remodels!
America’s Longest Commuter Rail* Trip
*Depending on your interpretation of the West of Hudson Metro-North Lines and the NJT River LINE, anyway.
Newbern-Dyersburg – Least Used Amtrak Station in Tennessee
A multi-state, multi-modal adventure along with the best interaction I’ve ever had in any video ever.
Subscribe to Geoff Marshall – he’s the inspiration for this project!
Spreadsheet of all the stations
Patreon link
Wallingford – Least Used Amtrak Station in Connecticut
Is it all downhill from here?
The Inexplicable Flight from Lancaster, PA to Nantucket (feat. Classy Whale)
It’s really unclear why this flight exists, but I’m glad it does.
Opening My Amtrak Select Status Letter
Real video next week!