Welcome to the very small touristy part of Camden! It gets two River LINE stations, each named after their closest tourist attractions, and I figured we’d look at both of them in one post. Why? Because…well, they’re both pretty uninteresting. So, let’s review Aquarium and Entertainment Center!
Aquarium is a street-running station in mixed traffic, but the road is two lanes in each direction, so cars can pass stopped trains. It has two long platforms with ramps on each end (although the sidewalk does continue behind both), and there are shelters in the middle. Both get maps, benches, and artwork on the columns, although only the northbound platform gets ticket machines. Okay, it’s the second-to-last stop, so I get it.
Entertainment Center isn’t street-running, but it’s basically the same thing as Aquarium in all other aspects. It has two platforms with ramps, two shelters (both with the same amenities, although this time, each shelter gets a ticket machine), and a tingling feeling of deja vu. Since this is the last stop, though, you can board at either platform depending on which train is leaving next. How you actually find out which one is leaving, I have no idea.
River LINE Stations: Aquarium and Entertainment Center
Ridership: There’s no ridership data for these, but I honestly don’t think it’s too high. The most I can imagine is a few tourists taking PATCO to Broadway and then taking this for a few stops. Even then, though, the RiverLink Ferry is probably how most tourists would get here (but it’s far more expensive).
Pros: They have River LINE amenities. That means they’re pretty good by default, if a little boring.
Cons: One con for each: Aquarium is street-running, and Entertainment Center has an ambiguous layout where you don’t know which train is leaving (as far as I can tell).
Nearby and Noteworthy: The station names are very helpful here! Each one has its namesake tourist attraction, plus an additional attraction that’s also pretty close. So, Aquarium has the Adventure Aquarium (which I’d love to visit, but aquariums are expensive) and the Camden Children’s Garden, while Entertainment Center has the BB&T Pavillion and Battleship New Jersey.
Final Verdict: 6/10
These are standard River LINE stations, but since River LINE stations are all so average, the smallest issue can lower their score. As you saw in the Cons section, I have one slight problem with each stop. So: 6/10 for both.
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Are you ever going to do frta?
It’s way down on the backlog, but yes, eventually!
You should just spend one day doing blog posts nonstop. 16 hours of blogging has to be at least 8 posts, right?
i’m 2 years late, but Miles has a life, ya know!
It was even more impossible at this time, because he was in COLLEGE.
I was just wondering why your Trenton station review isn’t working when I click on it?